Un éclairage nouveau sur l’Asie centrale ? “Education and enlightment “

“– path to peace and creativity “ – A short comment on the address by Acting President of Uzbekistan, H.E. Mr.Shavkat Mirziyoev, the 43 th Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation-18 Oct. 2016- Tashkent. In his first major address to an high level international fora since taking office as Acting President of Uzbekistan, H.E. Savkat Mirziyoev sent a very important message to all foreign partners, including the European Union.

The pursuit of peace as a corner stone of Uzbekistan ‘s foreign policy was strongly reaffirmed, with existing confrontations and emerging discords to be resolved only through peaceful political means , dialogue and negotiations. Acting President Mirziyoev , in quite moving words, called on the 57 Members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to promoting the real essence of Islam both at home and beyond, and to establish dialogue among religions, nations and cultures to achieve peace and tranquility . Emblematic of its core foreign policy orientation, “ Education and enlightment- path to peace and creativity” was timely chosen by Uzbekistan as a motto for its 2016/17 Chairmanship of OIC .

Condemning strongly the people that exploit religion of islam for purpose of violence and bloodshed , H.E.Shavkat Mirziyoev stressed that goodness and peace were essential values of Islam that should be nurtured for humanity’ well-being, particularly in the direction of youth for the upbringing of harmonious mature generations. The eminent work done by ancient Islamic scholars and scientists from Uzbekistan has remained an autoritative source for all Muslims . Their teachings, based on such valuable ideas like tolerance, kindness, patience responded indeed to the needs of a current rapidly changing world. Uzbekistan has therefore quite remarkably made a priority to safeguard with care this precious heritage , and to transfer it to the next generations .

At national level, special attention is thereby given to modernisation of its national education system, strengthening among youth the yearn for education, universal values and science ,   and the further development of local government institutions in above spirit .

In international relations, above priority direction is embodied through its OIC Chairmanship Action Plan on “ Education and Enlightment”, endorsed by the Organisation . The Action Plan includes concrete projects , such the establishment of the “ Imam Bukhariy International Research Centre” , based in Samarkand   , and the new Chair of Islamic Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organisation based in Tashkent Islamic University that will aim at promoting a most valuable spiritual and moral heritage and further contribute to strengthen the ties with its partners .

To conclude , H.E Mr. Shavkhat Mirziyoev recalled the initiative of his country that successfully succeeded in establishing as Central Asia as a Nuclear-Weapon Free Zone and its stands to widen such areas , including in the Middle-East.

In sum, it is an important signal that was given by the Acting President : Uzbekistan’s commitment to ensuring international peace and stability is indeed geared at making tangible and practical contributions both in its external actions, but also in its domestic policies . The whole Europe cannot but applaud and support such directions indicated by Uzbekistan , which carry also many important lessons for policies at home , no doubt take good vital for the prosperity and stability of our both region and beyond.


Pierre Borgoltz   Advisor EU LOGOS                                  


Adeline Silva Pereira

Après avoir effectué la deuxième année du master Sécurité Globale analyste politique trilingue à l'Université de Bordeaux, j'effectue un stage au sein d'EU Logos afin de pouvoir mettre en pratique mes compétences d'analyste concernant l'actualité européenne sur la défense, la sécurité et plus largement la coopération judiciaire et policière.

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