You are currently viewing #FactOfTheDay – 02/10/2018 : Catalan referendum has a violent anniversary

#FactOfTheDay – 02/10/2018 : Catalan referendum has a violent anniversary

One year after the Catalan referendum which was a failure, mass protests occurred all across the region and especially in Barcelona, blocking roads, major motorways and train lines, to demonstrate against the police abuses and to voice the strong will to still get independence. Although, the « yes » won last year the referendum with 90% of the votes, the governmental repression expunged the legal right for independentists to organize such an unconstitutional action, and the position of the government today hasn’t changed. Yesterday, more than 180 000 demonstrators expressed their solidarity and their support for the Catalan cause in the streets of Barcelona. And, what had to happen, finally happened: activists and police clashed again. Few separatists were injured and some other were arrested. This anniversary on the street rekindled the embers of Catalan self-determination project, such a pity when Pedro Sanchez and Quim Torra were improving the dialogue where Rajoy and Puigdemont failed.

Victor Gardet

For more information:


The Times:


Adeline Silva Pereira

Après avoir effectué la deuxième année du master Sécurité Globale analyste politique trilingue à l'Université de Bordeaux, j'effectue un stage au sein d'EU Logos afin de pouvoir mettre en pratique mes compétences d'analyste concernant l'actualité européenne sur la défense, la sécurité et plus largement la coopération judiciaire et policière.

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