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#FactOfTheDay 21/01/2019 – Opening of the 49th World Economic Forum in Davos

Today marks the opening of the 49th World Economic Forum in Davos. It opens with a climate of crisis and distrust announced by a large number of international actors.

In a recent column, Klaus Schwab, founder and chair of the Davos Forum, said:

Our international system of governance is no longer adapted to a changing world at such a rapid pace.”

It calls for “designing a new global architecture at the age of the fourth industrial revolution”, for “a more cooperative, inclusive, sustainable globalization”, in short “to moralize globalization

This willingness and concern was reiterated by IMF President Christine Lagarde in the press conference on Monday, January 21th.

It announced two major risks for 2019. The first is political, the second economic.

After two years of solid growth, the global outlook is weakening and the risk of the situation deteriorating is now high,” said Christine Lagarde. “

Forum participants are concerned about 4 points:

  • The decline in growth
  • Trade tensions between major trading powers
  • Consistent rise in inequality pointed out by the Oxfam NGO report.
  • Insufficient response to climate change

Questions also remain on the event. Indeed, the forum which was initially spread over two weeks now lasts three days. Three days to deal with all the subjects upsetting globalization. Moreover, despite strong participation (3200 participants), many members of the global economic elite will be absent: Emmanuel Macron, Donald Trump (held up by the shutdown), Theresa May, and also Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jimping

For further information :

Antoine d’Abbundo : « Le Forum de Davos sous le signe du risque politique et économique », La Croix,

Michel Waintrop : « Oxfam dénonce des inégalités de richesse toujours plus grandes dans le monde », La Croix

Fabrice Nodé-Langlois, «  Davos s’ouvre dans un climat de morosité », , Le Figaro

Fabrice Nodé-Langlois, « Klaus Schwab: «Il faut moraliser la mondialisation», Le Figaro

Jean-marc Vittori, « Davos s’inquiète pour la Mondialisation », Les Echos

Adeline Silva Pereira

Après avoir effectué la deuxième année du master Sécurité Globale analyste politique trilingue à l'Université de Bordeaux, j'effectue un stage au sein d'EU Logos afin de pouvoir mettre en pratique mes compétences d'analyste concernant l'actualité européenne sur la défense, la sécurité et plus largement la coopération judiciaire et policière.

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