The Brexit effects on European security and defense

On June 23, British voters chose to leave the European Union. This important referendum, colloquially termed Brexit, has sent shockwaves across Europe and the world. The victory of the Leave side, with 52 percent of the vote, versus 48 percent for Remain, is a rare and unexpected point. Neither the EU nor the United Kingdom will ever be the same. In this article the aim is to understand what may be the causes of Brexit on European security and defense (CSDP). At first, the theoretical approach will be considered, which tends to explain objectively the effects on European security policy. Secondly, the first reaction of the European Union following the referendum will be examined. Finally, the framework of the meeting in Bratislava will be presented, the informal meeting in which will meet for the first time the 27 EU countries.


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The European Post-Brexit scenario: An opportunity for a re-launch of the European Project?

While the direction of Theresa May’s new cabinet seems to be further in line with the concrete development of Brexit negotiations, notably with the appointment of Boris Johnson to Foreign Minister, the rest of Europe has been reflecting on the outcome of 23 June referendum. “Those who thought that a PM who had backed Remain (albeit reluctantly) would, over time, slide back on the EU verdict, were put right in an instant. As long as Theresa May is in charge Britain will be marching, head down against the wind, towards the door marked Exit”, reported The Telegraph last Monday 17 July. During the subsequent reunion of the European Council in Brussels and the discussion of its first declaration within the European Parliament, it a strong unity was evident in denying consultation to British representatives before a clear position was stated (and a clear counterpart, as Brexit campaigners quickly left the stage – see previous article). (suite…)

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Dossier Documentaire Thématique « THEMA »: La Politique Européenne de Voisinage (III)

Analyse réalisée à l’occasion de la Conférence Annuelle 2016 de l’IEE-Saint-Louis « L’UE et ses voisinages : entre intérêts et valeurs »

Par Amélie Ancelle et Giulia Bonacquisti*

Les auteurs

Amélie Ancelle est diplômée de l’Institut d’Études Européennes de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles depuis juin 2015. Elle a obtenu un Master 2 en Études européennes et une maîtrise en Relations Interculturelles et Coopération Internationale. C’est son passage à Confrontations Europe qui lui a permis de s’intéresser plus en profondeur aux questions de la Politique européenne de voisinage. Elle collabore depuis novembre 2015 avec EU-Logos.

Giulia Bonacquisti est diplômée de l’Institut d’Etudes Européennes de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles et de l’UniversitàdegliStudi Roma Tre. Elle collabore avec Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), EU-Logos, EU-28 Watch, AffarInternazionali (revue en ligne de l’IstitutoAffariInternazionali de Rome), le Centre d’Excellence AltieroSpinelli de l’Université Roma Tre et le groupe de réflexion « Voisinages » de l’Université Saint-Louis. Elle s’occupe de politique étrangère européenne, Politique Européenne de Voisinage et relations UE-Russie.

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