The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: what is at stake?

[FRENCH BELOW] [VERSION FRANÇAISE PLUS BAS] ______________________________________________ “Migration is a European challenge and all of Europe must do its part” [1] said Ursula von der Leyen in its speech on…

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The protection of the unaccompanied migrants minors: what’s new?

In this period politically, economically and diplomatically very difficult, NGOs keep sounding the alarm on the inaction of governments regarding unaccompanied migrant minors. Médecins sans frontières set a camp of…

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Right-less? The Status of Irregular Migrants in front of the European Courts.

“The conception of human rights based upon the assumed existence of a human being, as such, broke down at the very moment when those who professed to believe in it…

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Les mesures et pratiques migratoires des États européens à l’aune du COVID-19.

Alors que limiter la propagation du COVID-19 et trouver des solutions pérennes pour l’après confinement sont au cœur des préoccupations des gouvernements européens, la question du sort des migrants n’en…

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La question migratoire sous la gouvernance d’Emmanuel Macron

Le phénomène d’asile et d’immigration a fortement touché la France. Étant un pays avec des capacités nécessaires pour accueillir les immigrants, la France est devenue un des endroits favoris pour…

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Comment la Commission Juncker a-t-elle géré la question de l’asile et de la migration ?

Le défi migratoire est un sujet inévitable à traiter pour l’Union européenne (UE). Cette dernière n’en est pas à ses débuts en matière de gestion des migrations et des frontières.…

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DUBLIN – Un règlement entre efficacité et dysfonctionnement.

L'immigration est un phénomène connu aujourd’hui occupant une place importante sur la scène internationale. Dans cet article, le Règlement de Dublin sera analysé. L’Union européenne (UE) travaille pour  une approche…

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The cost of non-Europe in legal migration

The European Union (EU) has sought to build a comprehensive immigration policy in which legally residing non-EU nationals, referred to as third-country nationals (TCNs), should be treated fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner. However, a number of gaps and barriers in the legislation adopted can still be identified. This concerns notably the lack of incorporation and implementation of international and EU human rights as well as labour standards. Different treatment between TCNs and further barriers lead to missed opportunities (so to an unoptimal situation) which lower revenue collection for individuals and for society (via taxes). Further EU action in this area could address these gaps by reinforcing existing standards and ensuring a better implementation of immigration policies.

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Migration impact on labour market: the UK as a study case

In this article, we take into account the specific area of labour market: doing so, we will provide arguments addressing some of the most widespread hearsays: are immigrants 'taking the jobs' of locals? Do they pressure down wages? We can take the United Kingdom (UK) as a study case. Since its population voted to step back from European Union (EU), studies have been flourishing in order to provide arguments on whether or not tackling migration was a relevant and reasonable argument in favor of Brexit.

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