Quelles perspectives pour l’espace Schengen : présent et futur

Le présent article rend compte des débats de la commission LIBE le 12 octobre 2016 tenue au Parlement Européen, intitulée « Schengen Cooperation : Present and Future ». Depuis plusieurs…

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More Than Education : une initiative citoyenne (ICE) vient d’être lancée.

La collecte de signatures pour soutenir l’initiative citoyenne européenne « More than Education » qui soutient l’éducation à la citoyenneté, peut démarrer. Le Collège des commissaires membres de la Commission européenne, réunie le 28 septembre a déclaré cette initiative recevable juridiquement. Bien évidemment ce feu vert ne préjuge en rien du suivi qui sera donné. (suite…)

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Initiative citoyenne européenne : pas de progrès à l’horizon

L’initiative citoyenne européenne (ICE) a vu le jour en 2012 grâce au Traité de Lisbonne. Elle permet aux citoyens européens de demander à la Commission européenne de légiférer sur des dossiers qui relèvent de sa compétence.

Pour l’instant, la Commission semble faire la sourde oreille aux initiatives citoyennes. (suite…)

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Un éclairage nouveau sur l’Asie centrale ? “Education and enlightment “

“– path to peace and creativity “ – A short comment on the address by Acting President of Uzbekistan, H.E. Mr.Shavkat Mirziyoev, the 43 th Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation-18 Oct. 2016- Tashkent. In his first major address to an high level international fora since taking office as Acting President of Uzbekistan, H.E. Savkat Mirziyoev sent a very important message to all foreign partners, including the European Union. (suite…)

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #Factoftheday: NATO will enhance its contribution to the Global coalition to counter ISIS
Pre-ministerial press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in advance of the meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence on 26-27 October 2016 at NATO headquarters http://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pictures/2016_10_161025b-mod-pre-pc-sg/20161025_161025b-006.jpg

#Factoftheday: NATO will enhance its contribution to the Global coalition to counter ISIS

NATO has decided to enhance its contribution to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS. The U.S.-led Coalition has been providing air support for Iraqi and Kurdish forces notably since the…

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Bruxelles, le jour après le veto wallon

Première constatation : Ce ne sont pas le Conseil Européen ni la Commission ni les gouvernements des Etats membres qui ont défendu l’intérêt du citoyen européen vis-à-vis des intérêts étrangers. Mais une région belge, la Wallonie. On ne peut plus se moquer impunément de la bonhomie et de l’art du compromis belge. Est-ce que la Wallonie est la seule entité de l’Europe à pouvoir ou à vouloir le faire ? (suite…)

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Between Cooperation and Competition: Major powers in Shared Neighbourhood – lessons for the EU

Between Cooperation and Competition: Major powers in Shared Neighbourhood – lessons for the EU

The 22nd of September, the College of Europe organised a conference titled “Between Cooperation and Competition: Major powers in Shared Neighbourhood – lessons for the EU”. This conference aimed to emphasise the nature of the interaction between different major powers across the world. The analysis of their interaction shed the light on challenges that can arise when major power decide whether to cooperate or to compete while dealing with their “shared neighbourhood”. The variety of speakers involved in the conference allowed spectators to understand from different perspectives the issues preventing the EU to deal with its neighbourhood in the most effective way. The morning session focused on EU’s neighbourhood policies with its Eastern and Southern neighbours, and how no balance between cooperation and competition had yet been found. The afternoon session focused on the way other major powers (Brazil, the US, India, China) deal with their shared neighbourhood, and what lessons the EU need to learn from their practises.

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Will the European Union have an army? The return of the Franco-German alliance

“More than ever, Europe is facing huge challenges. Especially in times of crisis, our citizens must be able to recognize the value and benefits of being EU members. It is important to be able to guarantee internal security. This also implies an obligation to fight both the real threats and international Islamic terrorism in Europe”. These words are part of the Franco-German text presented on August 23 at the European Commission, in order to face the external and internal threats. A few days later, on September 11, at the eve of the Bratislava summit, another text was sent to the High Representative (HR) Federica Mogherini containing proposals to implement the Global Strategy of the European Union. The Global Strategy was presented during the first meeting without the United Kingdom, on June 28 in Brussels. After the referendum, it was clear that many balances should have been changed; however, a lot of people already speak about the Franco-German alliance, ready to take a leading role inside the European security and defense policy (ESDP). Firstly, this article will explain the content of the Lisbon Treaty’s articles which define the European common security and defense policy. Secondly, the path of the European security policy after Brexit will be presented. Finally, the objective consequences of this evolution will be analysed, in order to understand the implications of the Franco-German proposition.   


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #Factoftheday: MEPs are debating the catastrophic situation in Syria

#Factoftheday: MEPs are debating the catastrophic situation in Syria

Members of the European Parliament are currently discussing the latest developments in Syria at the European Parliament (after the failed US-Russia attempts to revive the ceasefire followed by the Russian-backed Syrian…

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Le groupe de Visegrad : une puissance souverainiste au cœur de l’Europe ?

A quelque jour de l’ouverture, le 16 septembre, du sommet des chefs d’Etat ou de gouvernement à Bratislava, beaucoup ont découvert, un peu tardivement, l’existence de ce groupe. D’où une certaine panique, renforcée encore par le fait que ce sommet était chargé de définir l’avenir de l’Union. Le groupe de Visegrad se définissant avant tout par un réel activisme et ce au lendemain du Brexit. Une certaine panique donc et beaucoup de questions qui restent , à ce jour, posées. (suite…)

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