Women refugees and asylum seekers on the move in Europe: a current challenge that requires special attention on International Women’s day 2016
On the occasion of International Women’s day, the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality organised, on 3 March 2016, an inter-parliamentary committee in collaboration with the Employment, Civil Liberties and Budget Committees and the Human Rights Subcommittee. This year the focus is on the issue of women refugees and asylum seekers in the EU. This meeting brought together MEPs, representatives of national parliaments of 24 member states, candidate countries and Norway, and some delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the European Commission, amongst the others. The debates mainly focused on combating violence against women refugees and asylum seekers, their situation in healthcare, and measures for promoting their integration. The latter point will be better analysed in a further article, while here, the focus is on the topic in general terms, presenting violence experienced by women and the almost non-existent health care provided to them in their trip to and across Europe. (suite…)