L’impact du Brexit sur les institutions dans le cadre des élections européennes

Du 23 au 26 mai a lieu l'élection des députés du Parlement européen dans tous les pays membres de l'Union. Quel impact le Brexit aura-t-il sur l'équilibre des institutions européennes, notamment le Parlement, la Commission et le Conseil?

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Cohesion Policy and ESI Funds in 2021-2027: a policy debate

Abstract The forthcoming European Parliament elections to be held in May 2019 could have a significant impact on the outcome of many policies, among which we shall consider with particular…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.
Photo : RN fédération des Hautes Alpes. Affiche électorale.

#LaRéplique – The European Alliance of People and Nations: a tough construction.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian government and of the Lega party, called a second time to build an alliance between the conservatives and far right parties in the European…

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Conflicts, negotiations, agreements, failures: will Trump’s plan overcome this cycle?

The deal of the century highlights once again the crucial role covered by the US in the definition of the Middle East. The rumors about the plan that the Trump administration is preparing are very different and according the last statements, it will be published, following the Ramadan (a month-long fasting in Islamic tradition).

Continuer la lectureConflicts, negotiations, agreements, failures: will Trump’s plan overcome this cycle?

#EUElections2019 – European Union and the fight against terrorism

The European Union and terrorism1 Since the end of the 90s, the European continent has been facing a new threat to its prosperity : terrorism. European continent is heavily scarred by…

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(Eyes on Europe) Environment-Economy Nexus: What Rules Rulers?

Article already published by our partner Eyes on Europe Most political players recognise the need to act in environmental and climate matters. How? This is where some cleavages and divisions…

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L’impact du Brexit sur la coopération judiciaire européenne

‘’ Nous avancerons parce que le Brexit n’est pas l’avenir de l’Europe ‘’1 Le Brexit et la coopération judiciaire européenne 2 Le Brexit est une innovation sans précédent; en effet…

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Making culture in the EU, an interview with Diego Marani

Article published by our partner EYES ON EUROPE Diego Marani is an Italian novelist, translator, and newspaper columnist. In 1996 he invented Europanto, a mock international auxiliary language published in several Belgian…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Le Parquet européen : un exemple inédit de coopération judiciaire au sein de l’Union européenne
Gavel and european union flag

Le Parquet européen : un exemple inédit de coopération judiciaire au sein de l’Union européenne

‘’ Voilà donc qu’apparaît dans le paysage de l’UE une institution que certains esprits chagrins avaient baptisé « Le monstre du Loch Ness » : le parquet européen1 ‘’ Le…

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