Investir dans la jeunesse : avec le récent débat en plénière du Parlement européen , le corps européen de solidarité est-il réellement lancé ?

Lors de la dernière campagne pour l’élection des députés européens et du futur président de la Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker avait placé dans ses toutes premières priorités l’action en faveur des…

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#FactOfTheDay : Trump passed bill to replace Obamacare

The US House of Representatives approved a bill to abolish and replace Obamacare, the health care reform wanted by Barack Obama. For the Republicans and President Donald Trump, it is an important victory which allows them for keeping their electoral promises. The act repealing and replacing Obamacare was approved by an undisputed majority of 217 votes in favour versus 213.


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#FactOfTheDay: Special European Council: negotiation premises for the Brexit

Last Saturday, on April 29th 2017, a Special European Council including the twenty-seven Member States met in Brussels to discuss the negotiation premises following the implementation of Article 50 TFEU…

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E-democracy: could it bridge the gap between the EU institutions and the citizens?

In an increasingly digitalized world, democracy has to adapt to a new environment. In order to bridge the gap between citizens and governments, and to promote the citizens’ participation in…

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Eu-Logos se joint au Mouvement européen pour lancer son appel à faire barrage à Marine Le Pen

L’enjeu n’est pas le sort de Marine Le Pen ou des Français seuls, mais de toute l’Europe. La victoire d'Emmanuel Macron n’est pas acquise en toute certitude, il s'agit de…

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#FactOfTheDay: Turkish constitutional referendum did not meet international standards

"It only remains for me to hold a referendum on the abolition of referendum" - duBus There is a growing number of statements criticizing the organization and holding of the…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #FactOfTheDay: Who in Europe is rooting for Macron?
Robert Pratta/ Reuters

#FactOfTheDay: Who in Europe is rooting for Macron?

Emmanuel Macron, a 39 years old former banker from Rothschild and France's former Minister of the Economy, is likely to become the new President of the French Republic. His victory…

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