The cost of non-Europe in legal migration

The European Union (EU) has sought to build a comprehensive immigration policy in which legally residing non-EU nationals, referred to as third-country nationals (TCNs), should be treated fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner. However, a number of gaps and barriers in the legislation adopted can still be identified. This concerns notably the lack of incorporation and implementation of international and EU human rights as well as labour standards. Different treatment between TCNs and further barriers lead to missed opportunities (so to an unoptimal situation) which lower revenue collection for individuals and for society (via taxes). Further EU action in this area could address these gaps by reinforcing existing standards and ensuring a better implementation of immigration policies.

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Conférence « Enlargement day »: 19 juin 2019

Mercredi 19 juin 2019, le Comité des Régions de l’Union européenne a organisé une conférence sur le thème de l’élargissement vers les Balkans occidentaux et la Turquie. C’est la cinquième fois qu’elle organise cette conférence en partenariat avec les pays candidats. La conférence avait pour but de traiter de diverses situations et notamment celles de l’Albanie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Kosovo, la Macédoine du Nord, le Monténégro, la Serbie et la Turquie.

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REPORT – Italy, Mediterranean security and European defence

On 25 June 2019, the presentation of the report “Molto Agitato” took place in Brussels. The report was wrote by Paul Taylor, Senior Fellow of Friends of Europe and author of several reports on European cooperation on defense. According to the report, Italy plays a crucial role as a security actor in Europe because of its geo-strategic position and its role as a member of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The role of Rome as a stabilizing force on the southern flank is of vital importance in a region where all the current security challenges converge: the historical rivalry between European countries, the Libyan crisis and civil war, migrations, radicalization and human trafficking. The security challenges are destined to increase in the Mediterranean region because of the current Italian political situation and the lack of an EU and NATO global approach. This opinion was shared by Mary Fitzgerald, analyst and journalist expert in the field of Libya's crisis, Alessandro Marrone, Head of the Defense program at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Antonio Missiroli, NATO's Assistant Secretary General for emerging security challenges and Ambassador Stefano Stefanini, Permanent Representative of Italy to NATO (2007-2010) and senior fellow of the Atlantic Council of the United States, who took the floor during the presentation.

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Is populism protectionism’s champion ?

The point of this paper is not to determine if the critics toward neo-liberal theories are justified or to measure the optimum degree of protectionism needed in an economy. However, using the example of Matteo Salvini’s discourses toward food safety in Europe, we will demonstrate how national-populism uses protectionism arguments, despite its political action not going in that direction.

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Migration impact on labour market: the UK as a study case

In this article, we take into account the specific area of labour market: doing so, we will provide arguments addressing some of the most widespread hearsays: are immigrants 'taking the jobs' of locals? Do they pressure down wages? We can take the United Kingdom (UK) as a study case. Since its population voted to step back from European Union (EU), studies have been flourishing in order to provide arguments on whether or not tackling migration was a relevant and reasonable argument in favor of Brexit.

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Western Balkans’ accession by 2025: merely a fantasy?

With the debates over the possibility of future EU membership of the Western Balkans countries, some voices started to rise in the European Commission. This issue does not only bring back questions about the European Union’s values and identity, but it also allows to examine the usage of European ‘Soft Power’ over its own members and potential accession candidates. This case underlines the contradiction between the EU’s objective of maintaining stability in the Balkans’ region and the European willingness to fight against ‘populism’ and nationalism inside its own borders.

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#EUElections2019 – European Union and the fight against terrorism

The European Union and terrorism1 Since the end of the 90s, the European continent has been facing a new threat to its prosperity : terrorism. European continent is heavily scarred by…

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Procédure Dublin, vraie solution ou vecteur de tension ?

« Je suis en procédure Dublin, qu’est-ce que cela signifie ? »[1] entend-on souvent dire parmi les demandeurs d’Asile en Europe. L’immigration est devenue une problématique importante au sein de l’Union européenne qui…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #EUelections – The European Union and the fake news
News website on a laptop with fake sign

#EUelections – The European Union and the fake news

The European Union (EU) wants to improve transparency regarding the way information is produced or sponsored, guarantee the diversity of information and its credibility and to promote inclusive solutions with…

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