« The EU is overwhelmed by migrants »
One of the most recurrent criticisms of the European Union regarding the migration phenomenon is the quantity of migrants Europe currently receives. First, and from a very global point of…
One of the most recurrent criticisms of the European Union regarding the migration phenomenon is the quantity of migrants Europe currently receives. First, and from a very global point of…
Abstract This paper aims at analyzing the Commission’s proposal - backed by the EP - on the possibility of linking EU funds to the compliance of Member States with the…
Lors des dernières élections, les eurosceptiques étaient-ils le plus grand danger auquel l’Union devait faire face ? En 2014, une enquête post-électorale interrogeant les citoyens sur le caractère bénéfique ou non…
A moins de quatre mois des élections européennes de mai 2019, les leaders des partis politiques d’Europe ont lancé leurs campagnes électorales. Tel est le cas en France de Marine Le Pen, leader du parti politique Rassemblement National, et de son collègue et sympathisant italien Matteo Salvini, candidat du parti eurosceptique la Ligue
On Thursday 17 January, Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Serbia along with government ministers and the heads of Russia's space and nuclear organisations. In a context of civil protests…
British MPs massively disavowed Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday (January 15th), as they overwhelmingly rejected her Brexit Deal. This vote plunges the United Kingdom in uncertainty less than…
Eight months after the European Commission'sinitial proposal, the EU agreed on banning around ten product categories, which alone account for 70% of waste washed up in the oceans and on…
The French head of State visited Berlin on Sunday November 18th to take part in a commemoration ceremony as part of the National Day of Mourning in Germany. Macron held…
On 5 November 2018, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, said that Poland could follow the UK out of the EU if its Polish compatriots did not become…
This Thursday, July 19, the European Commission decided to strike hard by calling to order different Member States of the Union regarding their commitments on the environment. Spain and Portugal…