Right-less? The Status of Irregular Migrants in front of the European Courts.

“The conception of human rights based upon the assumed existence of a human being, as such, broke down at the very moment when those who professed to believe in it…

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Procédure Dublin, vraie solution ou vecteur de tension ?

« Je suis en procédure Dublin, qu’est-ce que cela signifie ? »[1] entend-on souvent dire parmi les demandeurs d’Asile en Europe. L’immigration est devenue une problématique importante au sein de l’Union européenne qui…

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#LaRéplique. Orban launches media campaign on migrants against Juncker and Soros: « Let’s stop Brussels! »

The Hungarian government of Viktor Orban launched a media campaign on Facebook against the American investor and philanthropist George Soros and the President of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker. The Hungarian prime minister accused them to “encourage illegal immigration and to undermine the country’s borders”

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #LaRéplique – Violences policières : l’apathie européenne
Manifestation contre les violences policières, Toulouse, 22 novembre 2014. Photo : Pierre Sélim

#LaRéplique – Violences policières : l’apathie européenne

Alexandre Benalla et Vincent Crase, deux collaborateurs de l’Elysée, ont, durant les manifestations du 1er Mai en France, revêtus illégalement des équipements de policier pour agresser des manifestants. Des journalistes…

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#FactOfTheDay 18/06/2018 – Aquarius rescue ship finally docked in Spain

3 vessels, the Aquarius (a rescue ship), and two Italian Navy vessels, entered the port of Valencia in Spain on Sunday at 6.20 am (4.20 GTM). Together they were carrying…

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#FactOfTheDay 11/06/2018 – No place to fall for Humanitarian NGO

Today, the Aquarius, boat of the French NGO “SOS Mediterranean”, cannot find refuge for the 629 migrants it has saved in the Mediterranean Sea during six separate operations. Italian Prime…

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#FaitDuJour : Le maire de Calais refuse les repas aux migrants

Dans le nord de la France, le maire Natacha Bouchart a annoncé qu’elle s’opposera à la distribution des repas aux migrants. Membre du mouvement Les Républicains, elle est maire de Calais depuis 2008, sénatrice du Pas-de-Calais de 2011 à 2016 et vice-présidente de la région Hauts-de-France depuis 2016.


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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #TheReply: Elections in Austria: the end of one of Europe’s “populist”?
Presidential candidates Alexander Van der Bellen (L) of Austrian Greens and Norbert Hofer (R) of Austrian Freedom party attend a television discussion after the second round of the Austrian President elections on May 22, 2016, at the Hofburg palace in Vienna. / AFP / HELMUT FOHRINGER / Austria OUT (Photo credit should read HELMUT FOHRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)

#TheReply: Elections in Austria: the end of one of Europe’s “populist”?

  Last Sunday, Austrians were voting for the second time to elect their president. The past elections, in May, had been annulled by the constitutional court following irregularities in the…

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