Pacte sur la Migration de Marrakech 2018 : Pomme de Discorde Onusienne

Le 19 Décembre 2018 à Marrakech, le Pacte mondial sur les Migrations est formellement adopté par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. On observe un clivage important tant à l’échelle internationale…

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FactOfTheDay – 10/10/2018 : Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador

Yesterday, an announcement flabbergasted the United Nations members. Nikki Haley, United States’ official representative at the UN, decided to leave the vessel though she was very much appreciated by a…

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Yemen: the worst humanitarian crisis in the world amid war, famine and cholera – The European Union’s support

On the 25th of June 2018, the European Union (EU) Foreign Affair Council took place in Luxembourg.  One of the main issues addressed by the Council concerned the humanitarian crisis…

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