#FactOfTheDay 24/01/2019 – Venezuela: Juan Guaidó declares himself President of the country with the support of the United States

The Speaker of the National Assembly and leading opposition figure Juan Guaidó introduced himself on Thursday, January 23, 2019 as the new President of Venezuela. Guaidó is acting as interim…

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#FactOftheDay 21/01/2019 – Democrats reject US president’s proposal to end shutdown

On Saturday 19th of January, US President Donald Trump suggested an immigration deal to end the government shutdown. This shutdown has led to the closure of several federal administrations for…

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#FactOfTheDay 06/12/18 – George H W Bush funeral: George W Bush pays tribute to his father in front of world figures

Mr Bush senior, who served as the 41st US president between 1989 and 1993, died on Friday at the age of 94. National funerals were held on Wednesday, December 5th…

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#FactOfTheDay 28/11/18 – Trump may cancel G20 meeting with Putin

The US President Donald Trump, gave an interview to The Washington Post, where he threatened to cancel his meeting, scheduled this weekend with Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina.…

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#FactOfTheDay 08/11/18 – US Midterm: a record number of women are heading to Congress:

Tuesday was History in the United States, as women won more seats in Congress than ever before. For the most part, these women are Democrats, candidating for the first time.…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article #FactOfTheDay: Data protection: Is the Privacy Shield over ?

#FactOfTheDay: Data protection: Is the Privacy Shield over ?

A long negotiation process and a controversial result lead to the Privacy Shield, in charge of data protection of European citizens after data transfers between European to American companies across…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Transatlantic framework for data protection : additional safeguard or threat for EU citizens personal data ?

Transatlantic framework for data protection : additional safeguard or threat for EU citizens personal data ?

“For the first time ever, the EU citizens will be able to know, by looking at one single set of rules, which minimum rights and protection they are entitled to, with regards to data share with the US in the law enforcement sector”. These are the words of P. Michou, chief negotiator in charge of the negotiation process of the so called EU-US “Umbrella Agreement”, who gave a public overview on the lately finalized transatlantic data protection framework in the field of law enforcement cooperation. The speech, delivered during the last meeting of the LIBE committee of the European Parliament, has met a warm welcome by the MEPs. Great congratulations have been expressed by all the political groups, for the work done by the negotiating team of the Commission that, from its side, has thanked the LIBE committee for its strong support and pressures. As Mrs. Michou said, they “helped us to be stronger in our negotiations”. Negotiations that were dealt with a partner that is far from being an easy one. The words of Michou, however, have not completely reassured all the MEPs, who have called for a legal opinion on the text of the agreement to be delivered by the legal department of the European Parliament. Legal certainties about the potential benefits or detrimental effects that this agreement could have on the existing EU data protection rules, as well as on past and future agreements, have been asked by the majority of the deputies, as a necessary precondition for the vote. (suite…)

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